Sojourns and Odysseys (05)


Sojourns and Odysseys features works by twenty four Ottawa-Gatineau based writers.

Asli Mahdi | Cara Goodwin | Cole Henry Forster | Emily Cerantola | Jesse Keith Butler | Karen Massey | Katerina Obscura | Kiran Niet | Kirsty MacLellan | Lana Crossman | Laura Hebert | Lawrence Aronovitch | Maya Meloche | Mekyle Ali Qadir | Mercedes Bacon-Traplin | Mila B. | Myriam Legault-Beauregard | Pamela Mosher | Rey Duff | Sean B. Muncaster | Sierra Duffey | Susan Johnston | Tazi Rodrigues

With art by Linh VH Nguyen

By purchasing this item, you are directly supporting future issues of flo. All proceeds are reinvested into the magazine, helping us cover overhead costs and pay our writers an honorarium for their work.

ISSN 2816-7341

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